Liebster Award

I woke up this morning to a lovely comment from BeautyByStarlet saying that I had been nominated for the Liebster Award. In my confused sleepy state I quickly clicked on her page and firstly was stunned by the beauty of her blog, but then quickly saw that this was a tag, yay! Definitely check out BeautyByStarlet’s blog and show her some love. This is my first tag, let’s get started!

  1. What inspired you to start blogging?
    I was really into researching cosmetic and beauty companies that don’t test on animals, and figured I could put my research to a greater use by starting a blog and sharing my findings.
  2. Which makeup items are always in your purse?
    I’m a low maintenance type of girl, so I usually just keep a lip balm, or a tinted lip balm. It my teenage years I would carry concealer and powder, but now I find that I couldn’t be bothered.
  3. What is your favorite brand of makeup?
    Probably Tarte Cosmetics, they have such a wide variety of products with good ingredients. Their products really work, and the packaging is beautiful, all while remaining cruelty free.
  4. Coffee or tea?
    That’s like choosing donuts or cake! I love both. I usually start my day with a cup of coffee, then switch to a non-caffeinated tea for the rest of the day.
  5. What is your best feature?
    I’ve been told my eyes are my best feature. I have blue eyes that contrast with my pale skin and dark hair so they tend to stand out.
  6. If you could only bring 3 makeup items with you, which 3 would you choose?
    Concealer, powder, brow mousse.
    These three products are everyday staples for me. I don’t necessarily always wear mascara, blush, eyeshadow or lip colour. I was blessed with naturally curly and quite long lashes, so I find some days I don’t even bother with mascara. If you see me out of my house, I’ve always concealed my redness, defined my brows and eliminated any shine on my face.
  7. What is your favorite movie?
    Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It just never gets old, the jokes are always funny, and I mean, who doesn’t love awkward fan-boy Jonah Hill?
  8. What is your dream job?
    I’m currently in my last year of my communications degree, and I’ve found a love in public relations. I would love to do PR for a big sports team like the Edmonton Oilers.
  9. If you had to pick a destination to travel to today, where would you go?
    Seeing as it’s snowed twice in the past two weeks, I would definitely want to go somewhere warm and sunny. I’d love to go to Maui, I’ve been to Waikiki and would love to experience a more laid back and traditional Hawaiian vacation.
  10. How long have you been blogging for?
    A month and a half. I’m definitely still learning and finding my ‘blogging voice’ but I’m having so much fun and feeling very encouraged by the WordPress community.
  11. What is your favorite item purchased in the month of February?
    Without question my Real Techniques blush brush, I’ve been using it for powder and I just love the finish it gives.

Eleven Random Facts about me:

1. I’m Canadian
2. I have a 17 year old cat who has more personality than most people.
3. I’m bilingual, I speak English and French.
4. As a teenager I played very competitive rep softball, we would often travel quite far for tournaments.
5. I’ve never seen all the Star Wars movies.
6. I can do 10 proper push ups.
7. My favourite colour is green.
8. I use Canadian spelling (the above answer made me painfully aware of it).
9. I’m pretty short, 5’2, though I lied on my license and got away with 5’3.
10. I went through the ’emo’ phase in high school, I saw Fall Out Boy twice on concert.
11. I have a pretty awesome, very supportive and caring boyfriend of two years who I know will be reading this.

Here are my nominations for the Liebster Award

My Questions for you:

  1. Why did you start your blog?
  2. What percentage of your make up stash is cruelty free?
  3. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
  4. Heels or flats?
  5. What’s your favourite make up brand?
  6. What’s your favourite skin care brand?
  7. How many hours a week do you spend blogging?
  8. What TV show are you currently watching?
  9. Morning or night and why?
  10. Name two products that are always in your beauty routine?
  11. What celebrity’s make up inspires you?

Link back to the person who nominated you.
State 11 facts about yourself
Answer the questions given to you.
Pick 11 nominees and create a set of 11 questions that they must answer.

3 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Thank you for the kind words!!!! First off, 10 proper push ups is intense!!!!! I am sooo impressed 🙂 And I also ❤ Tarte!! I discovered them towards the end of last year and became a Tarte fanatic after my first encounter 🙂 And you are SUPER lucky with the long, beautiful curled lashes 🙂 🙂 🙂 Nice post!!


  2. I’m such a jerk- but I FINALLY got back to you with answering your questions! Just did a post here , thanks again for nominating me!


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