Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Here’s another moment for me to get all sappy. I really have been blown away by the response to this little blog in the past few weeks. I started this blog as a little hobby to share my interests, and I’m so incredibly surprised at the acknowledgements I’ve been receiving as of late. The other day, Think Dirty tweeted and posted on Facebook about the post I wrote, and I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude that an amazing app like that read and liked what I had to say about them. My blog had it’s best week ever last week, and to wrap it all up, the amazing ACasualBeauty nominated me for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I just would like to preface by saying I really admire the blog Christina has. Her reviews are so lovely, and especially her eyeshadow tutorials always blow me away. So I really appreciate that she nominated me to do this tag.

So without any more rambling, here are the rules:


  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

    7 Facts about Me

1. In September I will be entering my final semester of my degree.
2. From the time I was born until I was 19 I lived in the same house. I’ve only ever moved once in my life.
3. My birthday is July 24th, I’m a Leo zodiac sign.
4. I just started watching Breaking Bad, so late to the game I know, so please, no spoilers!
5. I try my best to always keep fresh flowers in my room to brighten up my day (it gets expensive though).
6. The only time I really sit down and watch TV is if there’s a good hockey or baseball game on.
7. I’ve only traveled within North America. I’ve ever been to Europe, Asia, or South America.

15 (Give or Take) Nominees

The BTQ Blog

Little Bit Soph

A Thunder Heart

Plastic Brows

A Beauty Obsession

Blushing Biddies

Andrea Elizabeth

Vegan Beauty

And finally, my lovely friend who is without a doubt the most adorable human ever, check out her lifestyle blog you will instantly fall in love with her:


Again, I want to say a huge thank you to Christina, and anyone who took a minute to read a post or stumble across this little blog, I appreciate it so much.

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

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