What is This? #2 – What Broke My Skin Out

By now, you’re all probably tired of listening to me rant about this crazy break out I had a few months back. To be honest, I’m tired of thinking about it. My skin had never been so bad. I have to type of skin that is very sensitive, and is prone to hormonal acne in the beard area of my face. It’s annoying, but it could be much worse, and I’m thankful that I only (generally) get a few pimples here and there. Until April when my skin was covered in under the skin clusters of pimples. I had no idea what was going on, and no idea how to fight it. It took a lot of time for me to finally realize what was making my skin so congested. The culprit: coconut oil.


Back in March, I ran out of my beloved Ultrabland, and instead of repurchasing, I thought I’d go for coconut oil instead. Everyone and their dog is raving about how amazing coconut oil is for your skin, well, not mine. I was using coconut oil as a make up remover. Each evening I would take a little between my fingers, massage it into my skin, then wipe it off with a damp cotton pad and continue cleansing, toning and moisturizing as normal. At first my skin really liked the moisture, until it became way too much for my skin to handle. The coconut oil clogged my pores and made a huge mess of all the hard work I had done to clear it up. I’m talking huge under the skin zits that wouldn’t surface for weeks, so I’d try to cover them up, but texture is the hardest thing to mask. I was totally embarrassed of my skin.


I tried everything to figure out what was going on. I tried not wearing make up for days on end, face masks, new mineral make up. Nothing was doing the trick. One day I decided to try out my Creamy Clay soap to remove make up, and it worked great. So I began double cleansing just with Creamy Clay, and you know what? My acne started disappearing. I thought maybe it was just the combination of the Jouer Primer and REN Detox Mask that was saving my skin, but it wasn’t until I realized I stopped using coconut oil that I discovered it was the main culprit.

I know people swear by coconut oil, but for my skin type, it’s a total avoid ingredient. I’m a little scared to use my RMS Un Cover Up, as the first ingredient is coconut oil. I’m just so relieved that I figured out what was making my skin so irate, and I’m happy to report I’m all healed up, scars and all!

Talk Soon,

Xx Brianna

9 thoughts on “What is This? #2 – What Broke My Skin Out

  1. I think this is the first negative review of coconut oil I’ve seen. Maybe no one else is brave enough to trash the internet’s favourite product – maybe the floodgates will open now!


    1. I assume coconut oil is lovely for dry skin, but for me it was a totally disaster and it took me a really long time to realize it actually was coconut oil that was messing with my skin, maybe others haven’t figured out the culprit?


  2. First off, I will never get bored of your posts. Secondly, I find the same thing with coconut oil! It’s great for the tips of my hair and for shaving in a pinch, but it totally doesn’t agree with my combination-oily skin. It might have something to do with the size of the saturated fat molecules? I don’t know if they’re comodogenic or not but my skin broke out in the most annoying under-the-skin pimples and it took three months to finally get rid of them!


    1. Okay I’m relieved to know I’m not alone in this! I agree with you on loving it for the ends of hair, but no coconut oil will go near my face, that’s for sure!


  3. Coconut Oil is AWFUL for my skin too!!! Ugh I feeeeeel you! Good news is, I’ve been using the RMS uncoverup and I’ve had no negative reaction to it, so I think we’re good! 😀


    1. Yay that’s good to hear! A good friend of mine also had a an extremely similar terrible reaction to coconut oil and her skin is always immaculate so for sure it’s not face friendly!


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