BB Lips

If you’re asking me, this whole BB, CC, even DD cream thing has gotten totally out of hand. Brands and product development companies really took this idea and ran with it. It’s actually hard to find a brand that doesn’t have some sort of CC cream or whatever they’re making these days. Way back in May and I had posted about wanting this BB for Lips by Bite Beauty, and here it is, I finally got my hands on it (with some help).


Bite BB For Lips in ‘Flush’ – $28.00 CAD

I got this little tube as a surprise gift (again, for no reason) from my boyfriend. He reaaally loves to surprise me for no reason, what a guy! He’s been hounding me to make another wishlist post, which I have sworn off because it just gives him ideas, and he doesn’t need to stress himself over going into Sephora and being overwhelmed by all the make up. Anyways, of course I’m appreciative, and I really wanted to try this product.


Bite Beauty calls this a 5-1 lip product, it’s supposed to prime, protect with SPF, revitalize, repair, and restore natural softness of lips. These are some massive claims. To me, this is a very sheer lip balm that glides over the lips really nicely. It gives just the slightest hint of colour, smells great, and doesn’t settle weirdly into my lips. No weird collection of pigment gathers at the corner of my lips, it just stays put for about an hour or so. This product has the same smell as the Agave Lip Masque, a kind of vanilla scent that smells very sweet and really lovely.


There’s not a ton of colour pay off, but the balm feels really nice and moisturizing on the lips. It’s great for minimal make up days, and as it contains SPF 15, it would be great for beach days. I would, however, be weary of carrying this around on hot sunny days, as mine has *almost* melted a few times in this heat wave Vancouver has been experiencing. For a 28 dollar product, you also don’t get very much in the tube. I’ve already used up a considerable amount and I’ve only had mine for a couple of weeks.


Overall I really enjoy this product, and can’t wait to delve into more Bite Beauty products!

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

9 thoughts on “BB Lips

  1. I didn’t even realize there was spf in this! I demo’d one, and I didn’t notice that usual texture that goes with a spf prodoct- that’s really impressive. And what a GREAT boyfriend! Wish I could give my husband some hints….^^;;;;


  2. I recently got Bite Beauty’s High-Pigment Pencil in Zinfandel (which unlike its name is kind of an orangey red coral), and I LOVE it. I wanted to try the BB for lips, but I’m trying to avoid the sunscreen ingredient oxybenzone, but overall I think Bite Beauty has got the right idea in making lip products that are food-grade, because you do end up eating what you put on your lips!


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