Sponge Application + Bourjois No Longer Cruelty Free

How is it already September? Honestly I am shocked at how fast the summer flew by. I hope everyone had a fantastic summer, but sadly for some of us, like me, it’s back to school. I shouldn’t be complaining too much as I’m going into my last semester of my degree (hallelujah!!) and my course load isn’t anything exorbitant, but it’s always such a drag cracking out the paper and pens and spending all my free time with my nose in a text book. Alright enough chatter, I want to talk about a great make up application tool.


   Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge – $9.99 CAD

I always kind of thought that make up sponges were a scam. If you know anything about sponges they soak up any liquid they come into contact with. So in my brain a make up sponge = me using up liquid foundation at the speed of light. I’m happy to report that I feel like I use less foundation, but I think I can chalk that up to the state of my skin. The complexion sponge is really easy to use, you just run water over it to expand the sponge, wring out any excess, apply your foundation with your fingers, and bounce it out with the sponge.


This sponge seemed like the best option as opposed to the Beauty Blender because it has different shaped sides. I like to use the pointy end to bounce out my foundation, and the use the flat side to tone down my blush if i go too heavy. The Real Techniques sponge does a great job of keeping your foundation looking as natural as possible.


The sponge expands when you get it wet, and I find it doesn’t absorb too much make up. I also find cleaning it to not be bad at all. What I do is apply the soap (Dr.Bronners) directly to the sponge on the spots where I can see make up, and then rub it between my hands and rinse clean. On the packaging it says to wash it every 1-3 uses. I find the price to be really reasonable.

As a bit of a side note, here, I WAS using the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation, however, there seems to be some controversy with Bourjois being cruelty free. A few weeks ago I noticed on Twitter that an account was petitioning for Bourjois to be forthright on their website about selling in China. This firstly shocked me, then confused me, then saddened me. As it seems Bourjois is being sneaky about selling in China. From what I had been able to tell they were only selling in Hong Kong. Another beauty blogger said she had received an email confirming that Bourjois sells in China. While Bourjois claims to adhere to the European Union Laws against animal testing, it’s all too fishy, and so I will not purchase anything more from Bourjois. I’ll use up what I have left, but nothing new. I’m thinking it’s time for me to pick up the Jouer Matte Moisture Tint.

Sorry to add that rant in there, but I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking a brand is cruelty free when I know otherwise. Any posts with Bourjois products in them have now been taken down.

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

9 thoughts on “Sponge Application + Bourjois No Longer Cruelty Free

  1. I have all my Bourjois products in a bag, and they will stay there until I hear back from my email I wrote to them. Harrumph!
    On a different note- yay sponges! Its kind of sad.. but I haven’t been able to get the hang of this thing yet! So confused, LOL.


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