Rose Jam Obsession

I feel as though I need to get something off my chest: I’m obsessed with Lush’s Rose Jam scent. There, I said it, I legitimately cannot get enough of it. I always knew I loved it, but things recently have gotten out of hand. I love rose scented anything, so long as it’s not too overpowering. Something about this particular scent just speaks to me. It’s rosy, but not in an old-lady way, it’s just tart enough, but sweet at the same time.

The obsession began last Christmas when I picked up a a travel size of the Rose Jam shower gel. Ever since then it was game over for any other shower gel. Unfortunately for me, the shower gel is limited edition, and apart from stocking up a year’s supply, I was shit out of luck for my favorite scent: until I found out there were other products with this amazing scent.


The Rose Jam Shower Gel was my introduction to the scent. Varying from $9.95 for the travel size to $32.95 for the monster size (which I gladly forked the cash over for), this shower gel is pretty pricey. This isn’t something I would indulge in all the time because of the price tag, but believe me I would like to. It was the most amazing, long lasting scent that foams up really nicely and gets you feeling squeaky clean.

Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner is another pricey pot that will set you back $32.95 for 8.4oz of product. This product is meant to be like a hair conditioner for your body. It’s a thick lotion type texture that you smooth over your skin, rinse off, and the pat dry. Think of it as a body lotion that you apply in the shower to avoid having to moisturize your body outside of the shower. The scent is the same as Rose Jam, and stays on your skin for quite some time. It really does nourish your skin, and I don’t find my skin feeling tight at all, and definitely not greasy. Your skin still feels nice and clean after you wash your body with Rose Jam, but the scent is sure to stay.

New to me is the Rose Jam Bubbleroon. This little pink ball of delicious scent is $6.25 and bubbles up your bath. As with all Lush bubble bars, they suggest that you use half so you have two delicious smelling baths. As with almost all bubble bars from Lush, I don’t find them to make very many bubbles, and the bubbles it does make don’t last very long. That’s fine for me because when I take a bath I usually only stay in it for about 10 minutes because I get either bored or over heated. The bubble bar is scented amazingly and I find it to be nice and moisturizing.

Last up is the Sparkler. This long yellow stick is a bath bomb priced at $6.95. I haven’t had the chance to use this one yet, but as with all the other Lush bath bombs, they don’t recommend breaking it in half, you’re meant to use the whole thing in one go. This sparkler does smell really fragrantly of Rose Jam, and apparently contains rose petals and other fun surprises, as well as makes a beautiful bath.

As you can tell, I really love the scent. All the Rose Jam products are vegan. The Rose Jam Bubbleroon and Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner are permanent items in the Lush collection, and the Shower Gel and Sparkler are only around during the holidays. I’m going to legitimately have the rosiest bath of all time.

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

10 thoughts on “Rose Jam Obsession

  1. If you want more bubbles from your bubble bar products make sure you are using hot water but not too hot, around 95 degrees (or hot enough you can step in it without wincing) and make sure you are squishing the product up real good in your hand and crumbling under the tapwater not directly into the bath water! (I work at Lush so I have a few tips lol) I like Rose Jam shower gel and I am not a huge Rose fan myself! I think it’s the lemon, vanilla and gojiberry that really adds a warm depth to it!!


    1. Ahh thank you for these tips! I’m always so jealous of people who work at Lush, everyone is always so lovely and happy! And I agree the lemon and vanilla keep the from being too overpowering with rose.


      1. Yeah sure thing! It’s fun for sure and a great company!! I love tons of bubbles and at first wasn’t getting the foamy bubbles that are demo’d in store! Now I want a bubble bath, haha!


  2. Rose Jam is my EVERYTHING. *swoooon!* Luckily a big bottle will get me through a year since I like to have variety in my shower, but I never want to be without this scent <3<3<3<3


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