Luna Update

I wanted to do a super quick update on how things have been going with my Foreo Luna. I’ve had the Luna for Ultra Sensitive Skin since August, so I’ve had a good 6 months or so to really form a full opinion. If you want to see my original thoughts, I did a whole post here.


When I first got the Luna I was using it twice daily because my skin wasn’t in the best shape. I used it twice daily for about 3 months and then I kind of fell off the wagon for a while. My skin cleared up and I didn’t really see the point in still using it, especially because I was up to my ears in work and dragging myself to graduation, I didn’t really have two minutes to wash my face every morning. It got left in a drawer and I almost forgot about it.

Then over the holidays I busted the Luna out again and started just using it in the morning as I thought my skin was looking a little dull. I had a few breakouts from testing out some skincare, and the Luna cleared those babies right up. I keep my Luna in my shower so I definitely use it every day. What I’ve noticed is a difference in the texture of my skin. While my skin may be clear without using the Luna, it’s nowhere near as soft as when I cleanse with this little guy. My skin just feels the purest it could possibly be. I still have yet to charge it, the battery on this thing is amazing. I make sure to clean it off about once a week with some Dr.Bronners, and other than that it’s very low maintenance.

After having the Luna for about 6 months I can definitely say I’m glad I’ve got the Extra Sensitive version. The vibration, I feel, is enough to keep my pores clear. The Luna is also really portable. I don’t think I ever mentioned that it comes with a little travel pouch. Since the Luna is really compact it’s great to bring over night and doesn’t take up too much room. You can lock the buttons so it doesn’t accidentally turn on while you’re on the go. If you’re on the fence about the Luna I definitely recommend it.

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

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