Empties #5

The accumulation of empties has gotten past my point of tolerance. This particular round up of products is a good one, there’s some real gems in this group. There’s also a big old dud, and if you’ve been reading this blog for a little while it should be an easy spot. But if not, can you guess which product I was totally unimpressed with? Let’s get into it!


Ahh the unloading of empties, just makes room for more new products… right?


To start out with I went through my Avalon Organics Lavender Luminosity Facial Cleansing Milk like it was water. This is a really nice, brightening cleanser that doesn’t foam up, but still makes your skin feel nice and clean. This product is really nourishing to the skin, smells like lavender, and is priced well. I would definitely purchase this product again. Another product I have repurchased time and time again is the Giovanni 2 Chic Deep Conditioner. This stuff is gold in a bottle, I swear. I use this in place as a regular conditioner every time I was my hair. This always, without fail, makes my hair feel lovely, washes out easily, and is generally a joy to use. I will always try new products, but I feel as though I’ll always go back to this guy. It’s time to say goodbye to this tub of Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner. Not going to lie I have another tub sitting in my boyfriend’s shower. I love this stuff so much, and the decadent Rose Jam scent, but I think I’ll hold off on buying more until next Fall when the weather gets colder and skin gets drier. Plus this stuff is super expensive.


I used up a full tube of the Tom’s Simply White toothpaste, and have already repurchased this. My boyfriend hates the way this tastes, but I honestly do not mind it at all. It’s not overwhelmingly minty and that’s a quality I really like. This toothpaste does the job, and I had a great check up at the dentist not too long ago. Alright, time for the dud, the Flower Zoom-In Ultimate Mascara. This mascara has an adjustable wand that is just a straight up gimmick. Nothing wrong with that, I just didn’t care for the formula, or the brush. The formula is super clumpy, not lenghtening, or volumizing at all. This is a total pass. Lastly, I used all my Yes to Tomatoes Facial Cleansing Wipes. I really enjoyed using these, and was genuinely sad when I used them all up. They’re great for taking off make up, cleansing your skin, or removing swatches. These face wipes didn’t leave my skin feeling dry or uncomfortable at all. They also didn’t irritate my sensitive skin at all. I would repurchase in the future, however I try my best to steer clear of make up wipes as they’re not the greatest thing for your skin.

That’s it for this batch, I hope you’re having a lovely day!

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

14 thoughts on “Empties #5

  1. I stocked up on YesTo wipes when they were having a sale so I’m trying to use them all up but once they are gone I will be steering clear myself! Have you thought about buying baby wipes to remove swatches!? You get a lot more for less and they work really, really well.


  2. I tried the yes to tomatoes cleanser and it broke me out! and it’s supposed to be for oily skin! Speaking of which, would you recommend the avalon organics cleanser for oily skin? I just bought a bottle of Giovanni shampoo and I loooooove it! I will have to try the conditioner 🙂


    1. That’s so odd about the cleanser!! I used to have oily skin and I remember using the Avalon Organics cleanser just a handful of times when my skin wasn’t dry like it is now, it was still good and worked great, but I wasn’t in love with it like I am now! I really like the Juicy Beauty blemish clearing cleanser for oily skin! 🙂


  3. Great products! I use the Avalon organics luminosity and the Tom’s toothpaste. It’s such a satisfying feeling to use up all of a bath or beauty product, isn’t it?? and yes exciting because then you can replace it with something new! There was a time when I rarely ever used up my products and my bathroom cabinets were overflowing with every beauty care item imaginable. I still love bath & beauty stuff, but now I buy less, and use every last drop!


  4. I just finished that Giovanni Deep Conditioner and I agree, it is amazing! I love the thick consistency of it! Good to know the mascara was a dud…I was eyeing it at Walmart as a cruelty-free option but, like you said, it seemed really gimmicky.


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