Vitamin E Moisture Mask

If you’re like me, your skin is feeling more reptilian than human lately. I’ve never had issues with dry skin in the past, so when all of the sudden my skin switched from oily to dry, I had no idea how to combat it. I would exfoliate, but still be left with dry patches on my nose and in between my eyebrows. I finally decided it was time to amp up my moisture game.


The Body Shop Vitamin E Sink-In Moisture Mask – $22.00 CAD

I mentioned this product in my April Favorites post because it has legitimately been a savior. I knew I wanted something like a moisturizing mask to really dig deep and get moisture to every layer of my skin. This mask is really interesting. It’s meant to just be a 10 minute mask, which is kind of confusing because to me ‘sink in’ means a sleeping facial mask.


This mask has a lovely but not overpowering scent that I can’t really put my finger on. It’s just light and pleasant. The texture is really odd too. It’s kind of like a super creamy whipped mousse texture that giggles in the pot. After you apply this mask to your face you’re left with a sheen, that’s for sure, but I find it sinks right in after a few minutes. This hasn’t clogged any pores or caused any breakouts for me, it has very simply replenished my skin with moisture. From the first time I used it, about a month ago, until today I have not seen a flake of dry skin.


I tend to not really use this as directed. I use this mask as a night cream every night and have had not one problem doing so. My only issue with this product is the fact that it’s in a tub and things get unsanitary real fast in this kind of packaging. I always make sure to use clean hands when dipping my fingers in the pot to keep things bacteria free. Other than that, I can see this being a product I purchase over and over again. And you can always get this mask on some kind of in-store promotion that the Body Shop almost always has going on.

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

6 thoughts on “Vitamin E Moisture Mask

  1. I love the Vitamin E face mist as well as their Serum formula….the packaging on those is so much better!


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