A Dabble into Aesop

Some time ago, my lovely friend April sent me a tweet to let me know that Aesop was finally getting with the program and opening a store in Canada, and in Vancouver to boot! Not only did they open up shop, but it just so happens that the store is LITERALLY around the corner from my boyfriend’s house. If this doesn’t spell trouble, I’m not really sure what does. Needless to say as soon as I found out it had finally opened I made my way in there and tried out a ton of products, and you know I could never leave empty handed.


There is no two ways around it, Aesop skincare is pricey. But they make up for the crazy prices with an awesome shopping experience. The store in the Gastown neighbourhood of Downtown Vancouver is pretty small, but it’s wall to wall products, I wish I had taken my camera with me because the space really is awesome. Each wall is covered with shelves stuffed with products, and Aesop packaging is really lovely. I can’t remember the name of the awesome saleswoman who spent like 45 minutes with me, but she was super sweet and nice to talk to. She asked me questions about my skin and picked out a whole range of products to test out and talk about. I ended up buying two products, but she sent me home with multiple samples of some products she had shown me, which I’ll talk about at the end of this post, too!


Aesop Immediate Moisture Facial Hydrosol – $33.00 CAD

The first thing I picked up is a facial mist. Now is this really a necessity? Absolutely not, but when I picked this product up, Vancouver was in the middle of a crazy heat wave, there were forest fires everywhere and the air quality was so bad because of the smoke. I was looking for some sort of relief for my skin, and I had asked if Aesop carries any facial toners, to which the saleswoman said no, but they did have this mist. This mist is marketed to hydrate and revive the senses. I can attest to the refreshing claim, as this has a really nice floral, kind of earthy scent that really smells lovely.


The mist is quite fine, so you can spray this over your make up without things slipping and sliding around. I’m not really sure how much a mist can truly hydrate the skin, but I have found that this works as a nice facial spray to get rid of any powdery effects that a setting powder can sometimes create. I really like to spray this on my face right out of the shower and just before applying a moisturizer. This is a total princess product that nobody really needs, but it makes you feel good, and it smells pretty good, too.


Aesop Rosehip Seed Lip Cream – $21.00 CAD

20 bucks on a lip balm, I know. I picked this up as a kind of impulse purchase on my way to the check out counter. Does this happen to any of you, when the salesperson really goes the extra mile and is super helpful so you feel like you have to buy something? I get suckered into this all the time. Anyways, I was hoping this would be kind of like the Bite Beauty Agave Lip Masque, as I really like that product but it costs 30 bucks. Well, I’m sad to report this is nothing like it, both in texture and performance. This is a true cream that you put on your lips. Luckily it sheers out and you’re not left with a white cast, unfortunately you’re also left with dry feeling lips the second you apply it. The product claims are that your lips are going to feel conditioned, softened and hydrated, but honestly I just feel like I need to put on my Burt’s Bees. I find this product so frustrating because you put it on and then all you can think about is how your lips feel worse.


Another downfall to this product is the packaging. I do like the metal squeeze tube, however when you open the cap, product just starts oozing out and you’re left with way more than you need. I’d definitely recommend skipping this one.

Lastly onto the samples. I had 5 products to try out:

The Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Serum – $89

The Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Facial Toner – $ 51

The Parsley Seed Facial Cleanser – $49

The Chamomile Concentrate Anti-Blemish Masque – $65

The B & Tea Balancing Toner – $43

The Serum and Facial Cleanser were absolutely lovely. I had multiple packets of these, and over the course of getting multiple uses out of each, I can honestly say that I enjoyed the effects and the way my skin felt. I would definitely consider re-purchasing if I’m having a ‘treatyoself 2015’ moment. I’ll be downright honest that I haven’t tried either of the toners, as I don’t really see much of a point to them, but I will get around to it.

But the Chamomile Concentrate Anti-Blemish Masque I specifically want to talk about, as I didn’t get along with it at all. It’s marketed as an astringent masque that will draw out impurities and blemishes. I let the saleswoman know that I have crazy sensitive skin, and she said this would probably be a good fit for my skin. Now I’m not sure if this was user error and I just left it on for way too long, but my skin totally freaked out after using this. The next day my skin was scaly and so dry it felt like sandpaper. This has never happened to my skin before, and because it was so dry and parched it broke out like crazy. It took about 3 weeks for my skin to get back to normal after using this masque, so I’m pretty happy I didn’t shell out the $65 this thing costs.

Overall I have some mixed opinions about the small sampling of the Aesop line, but what I did like I really liked.

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

2 thoughts on “A Dabble into Aesop

  1. I absolutely loved that store – so beautiful and serene! I wish I had stayed around and had a consultation but I just grabbed the Parsley Seed Mask. I totally agree with the packaging 😦 I try to keep my tube in a safe no-crush zone. Thanks for the review!


    1. I was going to ask you how you like the Parsley Seed Mask, but then I went over to your blog and now I know your full thoughts! I’m thinking another trip will need to be made! Also, it’s nice to meet another Vancouver blogger! 🙂

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