Fall Favourites Tag

I’m alive!

It’s been a while and I won’t make excuses. Between moving and adopting a cat, I’ve had my hands full. Downtime seems to just disappear, but when I saw that my lovely friend April from Blushing Biddies tagged me to do the Fall Favourites Tag, I knew this would be the post to bring me back! Fall is my favourite season by far. It’s filled with so many lovely things. So without a massively long ramble session, let’s get into the questions!


Favorite Candle

I’m going to be super lame on this one and just say I don’t have one. I used to love the Leaves Bath and Body Works candle, but as we all know they turned out to not be cruelty free, and I haven’t stepped food in a B&BW store since. I would LOVE to hear any cruelty free recommendations on candles that are easily accessible. My apartment needs delicious smells!

Favorite Lip Color

I have a love for vampy, beautiful lips on other people, but I’m afraid I’m a huge scaredy-cat when it comes to pulling off a fully opaque dark lip. It’s one of those ‘good for you, not for me’ type of things. This Fall so far I’ve been loving the NARS Satin Lip Pencil in the shade Rikugien. It’s super easy to apply and lasts a really long time. It’s a rosey pink shade that’s a ‘my lips but rosier’ type of shade. Other notable mentions go to the Bite Beauty lipstick in the shade Fig, and the Bite Beauty Lush Lip tint in Raspberry.

Favorite Drink

Nothing screams Fall to me more than a Chai Latte made with almond milk. Absolutely delicious and festive!

Favorite Blush

Right when the leaves start to fall, I reach for the Hourglass blush in Mood Exposure. It’s a neutral plummy blush that pairs well with a bronzy eye and a bold lip. I also really love the Too Faced Cream Blush in the shade Sweet Pea if I’m really going for that ‘just came in from the chilly outdoors and oh my look at me I’m blushing’ type of look. Another favourite is the Josie Maran Gel Blush in the shade Berry Bliss.


Favorite Clothing Item

Ankle boots and scarves scream fall to me.

Favorite Fall Movie

Is the Nightmare Before Christmas considered a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie? I guess I’ll just watch it in November and call it even? I vividly remember the first time I watched it at my babysitter’s as a small kid, and I’ve loved it ever since.

Favorite Fall TV Show

I’m about to bust out the Canada card. I always know it’s Fall when hockey season starts. It’s technically on TV so it totally counts, right? I mean I’m watching hockey as I type this right now. I have the unfortunate curse of being an Oilers fan. If you know nothing about hockey, just know they haven’t made the playoffs in just under 10 years, and have been the worst team in the league multiple times over. It’s been a long, torturous road, yet I can never seem to give up on them.

Favorite Thanksgiving Food

Canadian Thanksgiving is in October, so I’ve already had the pleasure of stuffing my face with mashed potatoes. Those are by far my favourite thing about Thanksgiving dinner.

Favorite Halloween Costume

There was a year I went as a carton of milk. It’s ironic now because I’m lactose intolerant. But I made the whole costume (with the help of my dad) out of cardboard boxes and painted the whole thing. It got pretty awesome reactions from houses I trick-or-treated at. The only downfall was that I was wearing a cardboard box and my arms were basically at a 90 degree angle all night!

If you haven’t been tagged to do this Fall tag, and want to do it, I’d love to tag you to answer these questions!

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

7 thoughts on “Fall Favourites Tag

  1. You know… I’m not sure what constitutes a CF candle so I’m not sure I’m helpful here but I’ve been buying the Signature Soy candles from Target. Also, Bath and Body works gets there candles from a company called White Barn. Maybe try going through them!? Leaves is beautiful, I agree 🙂


      1. Crap I always forget about that 😦 I’m sorry for your loss!!!!!! Can you still order online from them!?? They are super affordable if so!


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