Liebster Award Round 2!

This is my second stab at the Liebster Award, thank you so much to Parotisse for nominating me to answer her questions. Since this will be my second go at this (here’s round one) I’m not going to go through the nomination’s again, but I thought her question’s looked interesting, so I thought I’d give it a go!


1. Why did you decide to write a blog?

I was doing a lot of research into cruelty free options, and a lot of research into China’s policies, how other brands were giving in to animal testing to enjoy greater profits, and a lot of research went into the actual animal testing procedures as well. This was for a class on crisis communications I took last semester, and I thought ok, I’ve done all this research and written a few papers, what’s going to be done about the actual problem? Nothing. So I decided to start this blog to widen the benefits of my research and hopefully let people know they can live in a kinder manner to other living beings.

2. Do you usually do manicure? or pedicure?

I’ve never had a pedicure, feet are gross to me. Growing up I might as well have been a boy, and I didn’t get into make up and beauty until around the time I was 16 or so. I had my first mani when I was 19 and have had maybe 3 in total.

3. Do you care about the ingredients of your cosmetics? Do you think they are safe for your health?

I definitely care. I try and buy natural as much as possible. I also care about the safety procedures that products are subjected to. I most definitely do not buy anything that has been tested on animals. This began January 1 2014 and I haven’t wavered once.

4. Do you usually wear make-up?

I work Monday to Friday in an office so I have to wear make up. On my days off I try my best to let my skin breath.

5. What are the essential items in your wardrobe?

T-Shirts and Jeans. I love to be comfortable

6. Skirt or trousers?

Pants. I’m not the most ladylike and I kind of forget when I’m wearing dresses or skirts.

7. What hair care products do you use?

Ok, I’m about to rattle off a lot of products here. Shampoo by Live Clean, Deep Conditioner by Ogx, Detangling Spray by the Body Shop, and Jojoba Oil by Desert Essence. On top of that I’m obsessed with the Tangle Teezer. Maybe I’ll do a more detailed post about this soon.

8. What is your favourite beauty or fashion brand? Why?

My favorite beauty brand right now is probably Jouer. I just love their products, the packaging, the whole branding around the cosmetic line. I really want to get into their products this summer.

9. What would you wear for a party?

Probably black jeans and a nice silky blouse, I’m pretty casual and for a lack of a better term, lazy, when it comes to going out for parties or clubs. I don’t set foot in the club, I prefer a bar setting so I can actually carry a conversation.

10. What is you favourite colour?

Green 🙂

11. Do you admire any celebrity in a fashion/beauty world?

I think Miranda Kerr is all kinds of flawless. I also think Emilia Clarke is so gorgeous and naturally a bombshell. I guess Emilia Clarke isn’t a fashion or beauty celebrity but I think she is the most gorgeous woman.

If you haven’t done up a Liebster post, I tag you to answer these same questions! Have fun with it!

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

Beauty Blogger of the Month

I was tagged by the beautiful Marisa Roy to do this fun beauty blog tag. Marisa is a fellow Canadian gal with serious style and has even ventured into YouTube tutorials. Her blog isn’t cruelty free, but it’s still nice to see what she has to say about products, and her make up always looks so beautiful and flawless. This tag was created by Cecilia Liu, so go show her some love along with Marissa! Thank you so much Marisa for tagging me, let’s get into the questions!


1. Where does your makeup inspiration come from?

This is a tough question. I wouldn’t really say I’m inspired by any one person per say, but I’m more inspired by my beautiful friends who have such natural beauty that radiates from the inside out. Specifically my lovely friend Chloe who is without a doubt the most naturally beautiful person I’ve met. She has the most beautiful skin, bright blue eyes, dark features, and beautiful smile, along with such an amazing personality and kind heart, not to mention she’s brilliant and so creative and artistic. I really like to go for natural and neutral looks, akin to Miranda Kerr. I’m also inspired by fellow cruelty free blogger’s compassion for animals and ethical treatment of all living beings.

2. What are 3 of your makeup Holy Grail products you cannot live without?

Oh boy. I’m going to start off with concealer because I do have reactive skin, and I really love my Tarte concealer that comes in a squeeze tube, so I know there’s no funky business going on inside.  Second of all would have to be a powder, and surprise surprise it’s also by Tarte. It gives a really nice boost of coverage while keeping my skin matte. Third would honestly have to be lip balm because I cannot stand having chapped lips. Right now I really love the green apple lip balm by Green Beaver.

3. What is your makeup signature look which you have on most of the time?

Definitely a natural look. Some concealer, powder, brows filled in and some mascara. Recently I’ve really gotten into sheer lipsticks paired with this super natural look to give a nice pop of colour. Especially in the summer months I don’t care to put many products on my face, so cancelling out the redness in my skin and framing my eyes just about does it.

4. Let us know your favorite makeup brands?

For sure Tarte has got to be up there. I think I own the most Tarte products, but as seems to be the trend with cruelty free companies, Tarte was recently purchased by Kose who is not cruelty free, so I kind of have mixed emotions about continuing to purchase Tarte products. One brand that I haven’t ventured too far into but I know I will be obsessed with is Jouer. Their primer and Matte Moisture Tints are just impeccable. I really want to dig into their blushes and cream shadows. I wish I could just blow every paycheck on Jouer goodies, but unfortunately there are bills to pay.

5. Your ultimate makeup pet peeve?

I like to tell myself I’m a pretty tolerant person, and whatever makes you happy I can deal with because it’s not my face, but it really drives me nuts when I see very harsh, drawn on eyebrows. There’s nothing wrong with filling them in, but when it looks so obviously unnatural I wish said eyebrow wearer would do themselves a favour and opt for a more natural brow.

6. You’ve heard about all the hype on this makeup item, bought it, tried it and don’t understand what all the fuss is about…Name that product!

Coconut Oil! I blabbed on forever about how it broke my skin out here, so to save you from yet another rant, I’ll leave it at that.

7. Concealer OR foundation ONLY for the rest of your life. Choose one and tell us the reason!

Concealer hands down. Most of my skin is nice and cooperative, but it’s that pesky jawline region (affectionately known as the beard area) that likes to get fussy, so I’m always happy to just conceal the problem areas and keep the rest of my skin bare.

I tag:

Chloe author of

April of BlushingBiddies

Aspen of AspenofMars

Christina of ACasualBeauty

Vegan Beauty

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Here’s another moment for me to get all sappy. I really have been blown away by the response to this little blog in the past few weeks. I started this blog as a little hobby to share my interests, and I’m so incredibly surprised at the acknowledgements I’ve been receiving as of late. The other day, Think Dirty tweeted and posted on Facebook about the post I wrote, and I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude that an amazing app like that read and liked what I had to say about them. My blog had it’s best week ever last week, and to wrap it all up, the amazing ACasualBeauty nominated me for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I just would like to preface by saying I really admire the blog Christina has. Her reviews are so lovely, and especially her eyeshadow tutorials always blow me away. So I really appreciate that she nominated me to do this tag.

So without any more rambling, here are the rules:


  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

    7 Facts about Me

1. In September I will be entering my final semester of my degree.
2. From the time I was born until I was 19 I lived in the same house. I’ve only ever moved once in my life.
3. My birthday is July 24th, I’m a Leo zodiac sign.
4. I just started watching Breaking Bad, so late to the game I know, so please, no spoilers!
5. I try my best to always keep fresh flowers in my room to brighten up my day (it gets expensive though).
6. The only time I really sit down and watch TV is if there’s a good hockey or baseball game on.
7. I’ve only traveled within North America. I’ve ever been to Europe, Asia, or South America.

15 (Give or Take) Nominees

The BTQ Blog

Little Bit Soph

A Thunder Heart

Plastic Brows

A Beauty Obsession

Blushing Biddies

Andrea Elizabeth

Vegan Beauty

And finally, my lovely friend who is without a doubt the most adorable human ever, check out her lifestyle blog you will instantly fall in love with her:


Again, I want to say a huge thank you to Christina, and anyone who took a minute to read a post or stumble across this little blog, I appreciate it so much.

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna