Face Mask Heaven

In my ongoing fight with my skin, I was starting to feel as though my skin was winning the battle. In the middle of April my skin broke out in a way I had never experienced before. I had a lot of small, under the skin zits that wouldn’t come to the surface, but would be red and raised. I’ve never experienced this type of acne before, usually I just get a zit that comes to a head in a day or so and I can extract it easily. After a month and a half of being incredibly frustrated with my skin, I turned to a brand I had heard great things about: REN Skincare.


REN Clarimatte Invisible Pores Detox Mask – $41.00 CAD

I picked out this mask because of the detoxifying aspect. I’m so happy with this purchase, as it’s from the combination skin range. I was previously using the Origins Clear Improvement Mask that I had since before my days of being cruelty free (Origins is not a cruelty free brand). I found that the Origins mask was really starting to irritate my skin, it would burn after I applied to my skin: no bueno. The REN mask is so refreshing! It has a great, spa-like scent, that’s herbally with a hint of fruit. The mask is a kind of light green colour that’s a great thick consistency. How you use this mask is you apply a generous amount to your clean skin, wait for it to dry(15 minutes or so), and then you rub it off. Yes… you rub it off your skin… sooo bizarre.


I recommend using this product at night, because after rubbing the mask off your face, your skin is quite red for some time after. Rubbing the mask off provides a physical exfoliation. I’ve used this mask twice a week for the past two weeks, and I really can see improvements in my skin. The little red under the skin blemishes surfaced, which was a bit alarming at first because I had a lot of active acne, but once those spots healed, my skin has been much more clear. I love that the first ingredient in this product is lavender flower water. This mask also has clay, which is the purifying agent.


You get 1.7 oz of product, which is a really nice step up from the usual 1 oz, and also helps me justify the price. The packaging is great, the pump makes application a breeze. I definitely prefer a pump to the squeeze tubes on other masks. Just like all other REN products, there’s no parabens oh phthalates, the ingredients check out alright on the Think Dirty app, it has a yellow rating.


Here you can see the mask in action. The light colour allows you to see the areas that it has drawn oil out of your pores. I suspect this mask will do nicely with blackheads. The mask dries fairly quickly, and leaves your skin feeling really soft and clean. I notice a light drying effect, which I actually like, because I have oily skin. I follow up this mask with either a hydrating toner for day time, or rosehip oil if I’m off to sleep shortly.

I have to say, I’m starting to see real results with this mask after two weeks, I feel as though my skin has less junk underneath the surface, and I think with continued use, I’m going to be on my way to clear skin.

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna