Pop of Pixi

I think one of my favorite things to buy, make up wise, is blush. For whatever reason it’s the most exciting thing to put on your face. A good blush can really awaken your complexion and brighten up your face. I recently picked up a great blush for summer time.


Pixi by Petra Beauty Blush in Purest Peach – $4.80 CAD

To quote Superbad “I just want to go to the rooftops and scream, I love [this blush]!” I am seriously impressed with this little pan. I was wandering around Target the other day killing time to avoid traffic after work, and I obviously found myself in the beauty section. I originally was eying a neutral eyeshadow palette but I thought to myself do I seriously need another? and passed. I was looking through the blush section of the Pixi display and they only had testers of two other shades, one felt a little chalky, and the other felt amazing. I decided to take my chances picking up the shade 02 ‘Purest Peach’ because my blush collection is seriously lacking in the peach/coral department.



The packaging is quite small, and you only get .02 oz of product. I can get over the small pan 1. because of the price, and 2. what I love about this blush is it’s so natural and brightening to the face. I always avoided peach toned blushes because I thought I would look orange, boy was I wrong. This blush has a natural tone to it that looks so beautiful on the skin. The consistency is amazing, really nice and buttery and smooth. I use my Real Techniques Blush Brush with this blush and it picks up the perfect amount. I don’t need to worry about picking up too much pigment, you can really slap it on without thinking about it.


For pale ladies like myself it gives off the most natural flush. The formula does have small amounts of shimmer, but that doesn’t bother me. I usually go for a matte blush, but the shimmer in this formula is really complimentary. This is the first powder blush I’ve used in a while, and I’m happy to switch back for this blush. I would also like to add that this blush has great ingredients. The blush is infused with rosehip extract, honeysuckle flower, and is paraben, talc and fragrance free. I really want to pick up the other shades, I think Rosy Rouge would be fantastic for fall.


Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

Pixi Polish

If there’s one thing that’s easy to hoard up, it’s nail polish. It’s so tempting every time I hit up a Target, Shoppers or London Drugs to pick up a few bottles. Next thing you know, you’ve got a huge stash of nail polishes with a variety of colours, formulas and finishes. Today I’d like to share some new polishes to me that are cruelty free.


Pixi by Petra Nail Colour – $8.00 CAD*

These little bottles are so cute! I find Pixi products at my local Target, and I have to say these polishes are very reasonably priced. Not going to lie here… I borrow these off my sister, but hey! Sharing is caring, right? Whenever I see she’s picked up some new beauty products that are cruelty free, I feel obliged to test them out, like quality control. I’m so thoughtful, aren’t I? My sister is on a huge natural kick, she’s done her research and listed out all the chemicals she wants to avoid, and these polishes made the cut.



When I first cracked open these Pixi polishes, I was confused. Each shade has a different brush. The bright pink colour is called ‘Vivid Coral’ that has a fantastic wide brush. The purple shade is called ‘Very Violet’ that has a super thin applicator. I’m a fan of the bigger wand, it makes application super quick. Just two swipes of the brush and you’re good to go. These polishes are ‘3 Free’ meaning they do not contain Toluene, Formaldehyde, or DBP. I really like the formula on these polishes, they’re a cream formula with no shimmer, which I personally prefer. The colours are very, very bright and lean on the neon side of colours. I find these polishes to last a good 5-7 days with a good base and topcoat. For the price, I think these are a great cruelty free option, and there’s tons of great shades to choose from.

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As pictured above, two coats does the job nicely. One thing to note is these polishes dry matte. It’s really strange, but I feel like the matte aspect helps these polishes to dry incredibly fast. It’s really impressive. If you aren’t a fan of a matte nail colour, just add a topcoat and you’re set!

Talk soon,

Xx Brianna

* In case you were wondering, here’s Pixi’s statement on animal testing: Pixi does not test on animals, nor do we have any other parties, such as suppliers, conduct any animal testing on our behalf. Pixi uses only the highest quality ingredients which have a proven safety record and are widely used in the cosmetics industry.”